Jan 22, 2008

A Day In the Life of ADD

If you are one that suffers like I do from ADD, it tends to be a constant battle in your mind. Well, ok...in my mind, is where the battle is happening. I have been sitting here at my computer, doing everything but what I know I need to be doing. It is as if my mind were on speed...but, NO, it's not...it just keeps going from on thought to another thought and I can't keep track of it.

I feel as if I need to just go to bed, with a boring book and sleep...then start all over again tomorrow. Focusing seems to be like an impossible task right now. I liken it to when I am go check on the dogs food, see that the kitchen needs sweeping, so I sweep really quick, and as I am putting the broom away, I notice that I need to bring up more cereal from the storeroom, so I go downstairs to the storeroom, and then I see there is some laundry that needs to be thrown in, so I throw in the laundry, then grab another load out of the dryer, take it to my room to fold. As I am folding the laundry, I see some mail on my dresser that I forgot to open, I open the mail, see that I need to to put it with my bills to be paid, start thumbing through the bills, getting frustrated that I am getting so disorganized. So I sit down to attempt to organize my bills and start to get them paid, so I turn on my computer, pull up my web browser, see that I have some emails....I start to read emails....and then....THE DOG STILL HAS NO FOOD!!!!

Now do you understand what my mind and day is like? So, as you can see, I am a bit unfocused today...I have so much going on in my mind that I can't keep track of it all. I become mentally exhausted...whew! Well, tomorrow will be a better day, and I will get my writing assignments done. I think it is the stress that I am under right now...it just doesn't help things.

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